Hi, i'm Michael

I'm a full stack web developer

Laravel ☑ Livewire ☑ Vue ☑


How Do Vue Like Your Toast?

Quick toast notifications in your Laravel/Vue/Inertia apps.

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Autorefreshing Chirps with WebSockets

By adding a few packages and a couple of small changes to the the Laravel Bootcamp Chirper app we can make Chirper act a little more Chirpier

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Building a Store Locator using Meilisearch - Part 2

In Part 2, we implement a store locator solution using Laravel, Vue, Meilisearch and Leaflet.

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Building a Store Locator using Meilisearch - Part 1

Within a wide variety of applications, there is often the requirement for some kind of proximity based data to be displayed on a map. Meilisearch and Leaflet JS make this extremely easy to achieve.

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